Security of Your Online Information is a Priority at Medical Mutual

In our ever-increasing digital world, cyberthreats are more and more common. Medical Mutual understands the importance of keeping your company’s information secure. While we are persistent in monitoring our systems and installing the latest safety features, we can’t always prevent or control nefarious individuals from finding ways to cause damage. Therefore, we want to remind you of the following things you can do to help.

  • Contact your Medical Mutual representative to confirm any payment requests or changes to your account that seem suspicious.
  • Avoid using unsecured WiFi or email when sharing account information with us.
  • Look out for suspicious emails that may be phishing attempts - emails asking for urgent action outside of normal business hours or emails that contain copious amounts of spelling and punctuation errors or awkward word choices. Also watch for possible phishing emails asking you to respond with sensitive information such as bank account details. These emails will often use the phrase “kindly” as in “We kindly ask that you route the information to…”

Please note that Medical Mutual will NOT ask you to change payment procedures or provide bank information via email. If you should ever receive a communication that you feel is suspicious, please visit the Medical Mutual Compliance and Fraud Reporting page to report that information. You may also call the Fraud Hotline toll free at 1-800-553-1000.